Reading Mumbo Jumbo
In the clip from the end of Videodrome that we watched in class today, Max says exhaustedly to the television screen from which Nicki speaks to him, "I don't know where I am now. I'm having trouble...finding my way around." It seems like several of the texts we have looked at this semester have a way of willfully disorienting us, so that like Max, we don't know where we are and have trouble finding our way around.
Mumbo Jumbo might also seem like one of these texts, because of its sudden shifts in language and context, and its refusal to settle into a straightforward narrative. Think about what this text does to you and your process of reading. What does it mean to read "mumbo jumbo"--texts like "The Cyborg Manifesto," Videodrome and Mumbo Jumbo--that seem to deliberately defy logical comprehension, yet (I hope) still stimulate and fascinate? The American Heritage Dictionary defines the phrase "mumbo jumbo" as follows:
- Unintelligible or incomprehensible language; gibberish.
- Language or ritualistic activity intended to confuse.
- A complicated or obscure ritual.
- An object believed to have supernatural powers; a fetish.
Also be sure to go back and read other people's comments about passages picked from Cyborg Manifesto--this great material for your final essay.